United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation,
Stabilization and Resilience in South Sudan (RSRTF)
Since 2018, we’ve been helping troubled areas in South Sudan find peace and stability through our area-based programming and thematic grants window
South Sudan: Challenges and Pathways to Peace
South Sudan, the world's youngest nation, gained independence in 2011 but has faced ongoing challenges, including a devastating civil war that began in 2013. Despite a peace agreement, unresolved political and military issues continue to fuel violence and instability.
Humanitarian Crisis Prolonged conflict, economic decline, and external factors like natural disasters and climate change have deepened South Sudan’s humanitarian crisis. Most of the population relies on aid, but shrinking global resources are widening the gap between needs and available support.
Resilience and Development Beyond immediate relief, South Sudan requires resilience-building programs that link emergency aid with long-term development to support recovery.
Political and Security Challenges Weak governance and unresolved security issues hinder stability and increase dependency on aid. Effective governance and security reforms are critical for sustainable peace.
Marginalization and Resource Competition Ethnic marginalization and competition over resources drive conflict and instability. Inclusive governance and fair resource distribution are essential for reducing tensions.
International Support Global actors play a key role in promoting non-violent political processes, justice, and development in South Sudan. Sustainable interventions that address the root causes of conflict are crucial for lasting peace.
South Sudan continues its efforts toward peace and reconstruction, aiming for a stable and prosperous future.
The United Nations Multipartner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilisation and Resilience in South Sudan (RSRTF) is a 2018 initiative by the UNMISS and UN country team aimed at addressing the complex challenges in South Sudan through strategic resource alignment and integrated programming. By targeting conflict hotspots, the RSRTF tackles the root causes of conflict, promoting locally owned peace agreements and enhancing resilience. This Area-Based approach ensures that local communities are at the forefront of developing and delivering contextually relevant solutions.
Key attributes of our work:
Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: The RSRTF fosters peace by concentrating resources on conflict-prone areas, reducing immediate risks, and creating conditions for long-term stability.
Integrated Programming: The Fund’s holistic approach bridges gaps across conflict, peacebuilding, development, disaster recovery, and humanitarian sectors, ensuring a unified response to South Sudan’s challenges.
Locally Led Solutions: Emphasizing local ownership, the RSRTF involves communities in decision-making, ensuring that programs are tailored to the specific needs of each region.
Flexible Financing: Leveraging resources from various partners, the RSRTF provides flexible funding to maximize impact, complementing other resource mobilization mechanisms and fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Transparency and Accountability: The Fund prioritizes transparency, with a governance structure that includes broad stakeholder representation and access to detailed information on planning, implementation, and outcomes.
Impact and Strategic Partnerships:
The RSRTF collaborates closely with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), UN agencies, development partners, donors, and the Government of South Sudan. By fostering synergies across initiatives, the Fund amplifies its impact, addressing immediate humanitarian needs while laying the groundwork for development actors to enter otherwise inaccessible areas and work for sustainable peace and development. The RSRTF’s area-based programming has already channeled investments into Unity, Warrap, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Central Equatoria, Jonglei states, and the GPAA. These efforts are designed to break the cycle of violence and build resilience in some of the most volatile regions of South Sudan.
Community peace dialogues held
Community-based conflict structures supported
Community members sensitized
Community assets built
People enrolled and graduated functional adult learning
Enrolled in formal education
People got technical skills training
Persons provided with legal support and advise
Justice chain actors trained
Public servants trained
(Data as of Quarter 3, 2024)
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