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A unique Multi-Partner Trust Fund designed for South Sudan

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) together launched the RSRTF in December 2018. 

Contributing Partners


US$ 23,068,500

European Union


US$ 29,190,125

Government of Norway


US$ 3,961,769

Government of Canada


US$ 2,200,000

Korean International Cooperation Agency


US$ 21,517,039

Government of Germany


US$ 1,994,098

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


US$ 16,315,000

Government of Netherlands


US$ 18,221,074

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

(Data as of Quarter 3, 2023)


RSRTF Steering Committee

The RSRTF Steering Committee (SC), chaired by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator, and Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC), plays a critical role in providing oversight, accountability, and strategic direction for the RSRTF. Key responsibilities include:

  • Oversight and Accountability: Provide comprehensive oversight and exercise accountability for all RSRTF operations.

  • Constituency Representation: Act as representatives for their constituencies, actively communicating RSRTF updates and strategic decisions.

  • Strategic Priority Selection: Participate in annual identification and selection of strategic priority areas for RSRTF investment.

  • Funding Proposal Review and Approval: Assess and approve proposals for funding, ensuring alignment with RSRTF objectives, based on evaluations by the Fund Secretariat.

  • Resource Disbursement Instruction: Direct the Administrative Agent (AA) to disburse resources to UN Organizations and recipient NGOs through the Managing Agent (MA).

  • Support for Area Reference Groups: Facilitate the success of Area Reference Groups as central planning and coordination forums by promoting engagement within relevant constituencies.

  • Performance Accountability: Hold lead agencies and Area Reference Groups accountable for performance and outcomes.

  • Progress Monitoring and Reporting: Review the Fund’s overall progress, ensuring it aligns with expected results and targets; evaluate periodic progress reports (both programmatic and financial) from participating UN organizations and recipient NGOs.

  • Evaluations and Learning: Commission "lessons learned" reviews on RSRTF performance and ensure follow-up actions are discussed and implemented.

  • Fund Risk Management: Annually review and, as needed, update the Fund Risk Matrix to address emerging challenges.

  • Operational Cost Approval: Approve direct operational costs supported by the Fund Secretariat.

  • Resource Mobilization Support: Promote and support initiatives for resource mobilization to sustain and expand the Fund.

  • Terms of Reference Maintenance: Regularly update and approve the RSRTF Terms of Reference to reflect evolving priorities and requirements.

The Steering Committee's detailed structure and responsibilities ensure that the RSRTF remains accountable, transparent, and aligned with its mandate to foster sustainable peace and development in South Sudan.

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Fund Secretariat (FS): Roles, Functions, and Operations

The Fund Secretariat (FS) manages the operational aspects of the RSRTF and supports the Steering Committee (SC). Hosted within the Office of the DSRSG/RC/HC, the Secretariat coordinates management tasks, plans meetings, ensures quality assurance for project approvals, and produces research papers and reports. Additionally, it fosters collaboration with organisations and funding mechanisms, implements knowledge management strategies, monitors and evaluates projects, and manages risk, reporting, funding mobilisation, and communication. Funded directly, the FS staffing structure adapts to the Fund’s needs and budget availability. Operating under an Operations Manual, the Secretariat regularly reviews and updates its Terms of Reference (ToR) to ensure continued effectiveness.

The RSRTF Secretariat plays a pivotal role in executing and coordinating all management functions, including implementing decisions by the Steering Committee (SC). Key responsibilities include:

  • Planning and preparing SC meetings, maintaining minutes, and providing quality assurance during project approvals.

  • Conducting technical reviews and evaluations of projects before SC submission, and approving or referring project revision requests.

  • Preparing research papers, strategic reports, and recommendations to keep the Fund aligned with broader developments and priorities.

  • Engaging with key partners such as UNMISS, donors, and multilateral funding mechanisms to promote cooperation across the 'Triple Nexus.'

  • Implementing a knowledge management strategy, retaining institutional memory, and capturing best practices.

  • Monitoring and evaluating projects implemented by participating organisations and NGOs across various levels.

  • Managing the Fund’s Risk Management Strategy, updating the risk matrix, and ensuring efficient mitigation measures.

  • Consolidating annual and final reports, and mobilising sustainable funding through outreach, donor proposals, and partnerships.

  • Managing public communication and visibility, and periodically reviewing the Fund’s Terms of Reference (ToR).

  • Collaborating with the Administrative Agent (AA) on fund administration, transfers, and extensions, while ensuring compliance with the Operations Manual.

Role of the Administrative Agent (AA)

The South Sudan RSRTF is administered by the UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office, acting as the Administrative Agent (AA), in accordance with the UNDG "Protocol on the Administrative Agent for Multi-Donor Trust Funds, Joint Programmes, and One UN Funds." The AA is entitled to a 1% administrative fee from donor contributions to cover operational costs.

Key responsibilities of the AA include:

  • Supporting the design of the Fund and developing the Terms of Reference (ToR).

  • Finalising agreements with UN organisations and donors, such as MOUs and SAAs.

  • Receiving and administering contributions from donors, including winding up the Fund.

  • Transferring funds to participating organisations as instructed by the Steering Committee (SC).

  • Providing consolidated annual and final reports to donors based on data from the Fund Secretariat and implementing organisations.

  • Disbursing funds for additional costs as decided by the SC.

  • Informing the SC and Secretariat about relevant UN policies and offering knowledge management and advisory services when requested.


Additionally, the MPTF Office provides real-time financial data through its GATEWAY portal, allowing partners and the public to track contributions, transfers, and expenditures.

UNDP South Sudan’s Role as Managing Agent (MA)

The UNDP Country Office serves as the Managing Agent (MA) for the South Sudan RSRTF, ensuring a clear separation from its role as Administrative Agent (AA) as per UNDP policy. Acting on instructions from the Steering Committee (SC) and with funding from the AA, UNDP facilitates access to RSRTF for NGOs, performing oversight functions and ensuring project implementation aligns with its regulations and procedures.


Key responsibilities of UNDP as MA include:

  • Conducting capacity assessments of NGOs based on UNDP guidelines and FS requests.

  • Defining risk ratings for NGO partners in line with the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT).

  • Overseeing the technical review of NGO projects and ensuring timely fund disbursements based on SC decisions.

  • Managing programmatic and financial accountability for funds received from the AA.

  • Monitoring, evaluating, and auditing NGO projects, including receiving narrative and financial reports from funded NGOs.

  • Providing financial reports to the AA and contributing to the RSRTF Annual Report based on NGO data.

  • Supporting NGOs with training and orientation regarding administrative, programmatic, and financial procedures under RSRTF.


Partners funded through the RSRTF must comply with UNDP’s rules and regulations for project implementation.

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